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Sathyastro is run by a person who has a passion for astrology. His grandfather was instrumental in his developing interest in astrology, who also taught him astrology as a subject from basic to advanced level. He is following Vedic astrology. He enhanced his knowledge in astrology through various books. He is good at predicting in the areas of love and relationship marriage , marriage matching, and problem in marriage, education , education abroad, foreign travel and emoployment abroad, career and business , wealth and health.

He has referred more than 10000 horoscope in the last 20+ years and has given prediction more accurately thanks to the great knowledge he possesses in astrology and his vast experience.

Astrology consists of a number of belief systems

  • Love & Marriage
  • Career & Business
  • Foreign Travels

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No.100, Palaniappa Nagar,
Kaveri Street, Valasaravakkam,
Chennai - 600 087, India.